Saturday, November 17, 2012

That Energy Drink Tastes Like Coca Cola!

Well, since we hypermilers are not like those Cars-R-Coffins guys, aka we do drive an automobile every once in awhile, you MAY end up at a gas station.  Get used to it, I suppose, it's the American way.

Finding a way to enjoy your trip to the gas station is more important than it looks.

You may not remember, but there have been times when you went to a gas station, and waited in line for almost 5 minutes.  TOO LONG!

So find (I recommend) a local gas station chain and get to know 1 or 2 of the workers there.  Also, get a beverage every now and then!  You CAN since you've been saving so much money from Hypermiling, right!

I recently got a Monster Energy Drink and I must say, that company does a great job.  5 hour energy is good too, but my weakness is energy drinks that TASTE GOOD.  5 hour energy doesn't.

Anyways, I got the Monster "Cuba-Lima", and it tastes JUST LIKE A GOOD COCA COLA!  I'm not sure why.

So you end up with a coca cola AND energy.  what a win-win!  /^^\


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