Here in a college town like Fargo/Moorhead, hosting more than 7 colleges and business schools, seems there are alot of bad drivers. I don't mind that so much, but what REALLY gets on my nerves are "clockers".
Let me explain. You arrive at a light, or a 4 way, and there are cars that are LITERALLY going 30mph to 45 mph and then screeching to a halt on their brakes right at the end of the stop or light.
What this creates is the possibility (in your mind, and sadly, in real life) that they are going to hit you, they don't see the light.
bUT RIGHT at the last second, they stop.
it's so annoying, not to mention they waste gas.
Ironically, maybe they are trying to keep their momentum to go through the light or stop.
But even with this, a true hypermiler wouldnt' be exceeding 25 mph.
so it's annoying. I call them clockers as a quote from the early 00's video game "Dance Dance Revolution" one of my fave songs was "Don't Clock Me". so hey Clockers, Don't Clock Me! /^^\
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