The government agencies are FINALLY getting in on some hypermiling techniques. In my state, we see an ad on television that says, (accurately) "every 100 pounds of extra stuff that you take out of your car will save you $50 a year in gas". This is true, but it's just the beginning.
This post cannot be completed yet, because I want to get legitimate ways to "match the $50" from hypermiling techniques, and a little spice of my own I call "ways to save money". You see, for the true hypermiler, "$50 a year just isn't enough". I need at least $100 a year saved, maybe $200, maybe $300.
So to be perfectly accurate and clear, I will be listing 3 areas that will earn you $50 a year in savings. As noted, this will be updated later to make sure that it is legit. 50 bullet points divided into 3 areas of "light hypermiling", "average hypermiling", and "extreme hypermiling" will be listed. We begin.
"Light hypermiling" ways to save money = 33 pounds of weight = $16.50 a year saved.
-Drive slower
-drive when there are less cars on the road, usually at night
-clean your air filter
-properly put air in your tires, usually I like to recommend 5-10% above the car's PSI rating in the side of the door
"Average hypermiling"
-record your MPG in the summer and winter, and then think of ways to achieve the better gas mileage in the season that had the best (I will explain this in later blogs).
-vacuum out your interior = reducing weight by about 3 lbs = good.
-Tell your friends who drive your car that you are a hypermiler, so they shouldn't speed excessively or accelerate too fast
"Extreme hypermiling"
-catching a draft from semis on the interstate (this is not for the faint of heart, even I don't do this, it's very extreme
-lose weight yourself big boy!
-don't wear a coat , even in winter, and use your car heater instead
-wear lightweight socks and/or shoes
-ask your friends for gas money
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