Sunday, March 10, 2013

A few new techniques

Thanks for reading guys and gals!

I have found a few new techniques that I'd like to list regarding hypermiling, in order of safe, to mid, to extreme.

1.  Using your heater instead of your coat
-some of you have really heavy down coats that you wear all the time.  If the weather is about 32 F, consider ditching the coat.  When you have done this about 5-10 times during the spring, the excess weight lost will definitely add to your higher MPG (the ultimate goal).

2.  Price Tracking
-this one is obvious, but worth looking at.  It seems that in the last 3 months, at least where I live, gas has been volatile. Prices have gone from as low as 2.93/gal to as high as 3.79 a gallon.
-as mentioned, it's simple.  When gas is low, you have the right to fill up your tank.  When gas is high, naturally you may buy less, and see my other posts about only filling your tank 1/2 to 2/3 full to AGAIN alleviate excess weight, which reduces your gas mileage.

An indifference curve (very simple) might look something like this:

/low gas price, tank is full
/                                      gas between 3.10 and 3.50 or so, tank is 2/3 full
/                                                                              gas around 4, tank is at max 1/2 full

Why is this?  because the main culprit of low gas mileage is weight.  Many of you (including myself) are not ready to lose weight off of your beltline, so HEY you can lose weight in your gas tank to compensate.

(BTW I am already assuming that you know that every 100 pounds of weight taken out of your car saves you $50 a year.  This has been verified by government agencies).

3.  Drafting
-had to mention this with the increase in semis around this time of year.  You can get a bit of draft from these semis on the interstate if you are within 10-50 feet of them.  BUT I ADVISE YOU THIS IS ONLY FOR EXTREME MEASURES.  I myself have never done it, and would ONLY consider it if I was running on embers in my gas tank.  But, done right, you can get 2-5 mpg better gas mileage with this trick. /^^\

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Drive Like a Trucker

Hypermiling is getting more popular!

Of course we all saw the writing on the wall.  Gas Prices go up, so does the desire for hypermiling.  (duh, winning).  ha.

Anyways, I was reading a magazine at a local indie coffeehouse, and found an interesting article on "how to drive like a hypermiler"

I'm kicking my self SOO hard for not remembering the magazine title.

Anyways, I hadn't heard this before, but you CAN drive like a trucker.

The main idea is, Truckers are THE BEST at driving.  They drive for life!

And no, I'm not talking about catching a draft from driving behind truckers.

Just drive like a trucker (to get better gas mileage)

Truckers tend to get better gas mileage.  I'm new to this, but there can be some generalizations:
-slowly accelerate
-don't put on the brakes if you have to
-( I thought this was funny) don't let other cars push you around
(easier said than done, but if you're a hypermiler with something like a Toyota Landcruiser, you can do this to some extent).

And this brings me to something else:  Be the hypermiler, and others will follow
-this means two things:  All hypermilers may feel a sense of guilt, when people are passing you, it's occasionally a nuisance. 

But you are advertising for hypermiling.

Trust me, when gas goes to $4, $5, or $6, they will thank you for showing them how to hypermile.
2.  When you really "own" hypermiling, you naturally tell others about it.
It works because it works!  You pay less at the gas pump, and you gas up less.  You save money!  (at least $50 a year, and it's very easy to double that.  see my other posts on how to save $100, maybe $200 a year by hypermiling).

thanks, keep read'n'.


Hi!  lemme know if the above hyperlink works.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Road Rage

Driving in uncertain conditions, surrounded by dumb drivers, CAN lead to road rage.

There are many ways to deal with this rage.  As a hypermiler, you may want to use the alternative methods.

An initial response, is cussing, and then flooring your gas pedal so you can flip the bird at the driver who messed with you.

While this is a way to deal with it, there are other ways that will save you gas.

Probably the easiest way to deal with road rage AND SAVE YOUR ENGINE AND GAS MILEAGE is to just turn up the radio.

Find a good song, or a loud rock song, and just veg with it for about 2-3 minutes.

After having done this, your road rage will probably be less.

If it isn't, you may want to see a doctor, they have ways of dealing with this (because your road rage actually could be a side effect of Seasonal Affect Disorder).  Otherwise, pull into a parking lot, and think about the next place you need to go for a minute. /^^\